« MAIS OU EST DONC PASSE BEN LADEN ?», à propos de Jean Baumgarten - La Gauche Cactus

« MAIS OU EST DONC PASSE BEN LADEN ? », à propos de Jean Baumgarten

Par Mick et Paule
mardi 1er mars 2005
par  Mick et Paule
popularité : 100%


Par Mick et Paule

Nous avons reçu les deux derniers ouvrages de Jean Baumgarten, dont une opérette « tragi-comique » : Mais où est donc passé Ben Laden ? Alors, on en parle. Il fait fort, ce monsieur, mais alors très très fort. Ce qui prouve que le militantisme conserve. Ce coruscant septuagénaire a commencé chez les trotsks en 1948, est entré dans le théâtre d’intervention (Groupe Spartacus) dès 1949, a participé à la création du PSU en 1960, est allé chez les Verts en 1995 et, dégoûté par la ministre Voynet, est revenu dans ses amours de jeunesse, à la LCR avec le facteur. Entre temps, acteur, chanteur, compositeur, il écrit divers textes. L’opérette sur Ben Laden ne fait pas dans la dentelle. Nous sommes loin de Madame Angot (pas Christine, sa grand’mère) ou des chanteurs de Mexico ou d’ailleurs. C’est, comme on disait, du théâtre engagé. Très. Très très. La thèse de l’opérette, c’est que Ben Laden n’est qu’une invention américaine pour permettre à l’impérialisme/capitalisme de se développer pendant qu’on amuse la galerie avec les complots islamo-terroristes internationaux. Même s’il y a du vrai là-dedans, dans la mesure où il évident que G.W. Bush instrumentalise à outrance la peur du terrorisme, il demeure que celui-ci existe, avec, lui aussi, des visées impérialistes, non ? Mais l’opérette est propice aux simplifications. Et le livret n’est pas sans qualités, et le spectacle à contenu politique est si rare de nos jours. Jean Baumgarten, lucide, souhaite bien du courage à qui voudra monter son œuvre. Il en faudra, en effet. Le bougre récidive avec un brûlot, essai politique cette fois, dont le titre est on ne plus explicite : Pour en finir avec le sionisme. On ne peut guère soupçonner Baumgarten d’antisémitisme : il fut sauvé par des français courageux des griffes nazies, mais sa famille a payé un lourd tribut à l’extermination. Et il raison de faire la distinction entre antisémitisme et antisionisme, abusivement utilisée par certains défenseurs, ouverts ou discrets de la politique d’Ariel Sharon (il en profite pour étriller, à sa façon abrupte, Finkielkraut, Taguieff et quelques autres). Il a raison encore de dénoncer cette politique. Il est courageux de militer, comme il le fait, pour la construction, à terme, d’un état unique, laïque, où juifs, arabes vivraient dans une paix démocratique. Qui n’en rêverait ? On apprend aussi, si on n’est pas versé dans la question, pas mal de choses sur la genèse du sionisme, ses déviations. Il y a également d’utiles rappels sur le fait que le terrorisme fut en Palestine, une activité hélas bien partagée par les actuels protagonistes au long des soixante dernières années. Mais, très mais, on ressent une gêne certaine dans la défense d’équations du genre Sharon=Hitler, mal justifiée par un amalgame incertain avec le CRS=SS de mai 68. Une chose est de dénoncer la politique haineuse et cynique de Sharon, ou les compromissions multiples d’un Pérès, une autre est de se risquer dans des comparaisons hors de propos. De même, nous gobons mal la mansuétude manifestée à l’égard de Tariq Ramadan, dont l’islamisme utilise d’ailleurs bien des procédés que l’auteur critique, à juste titre cette fois, familiers à certains sionistes. En tout cas, si le but de Jean Baumgarten est de faire réagir, c’est assez réussi. Ces ouvrages sont diffusés par la Librairie La Brèche, Paris


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jeudi 22 juillet 2010 à 03h35 - par  dfxn

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Logo de weddin
mercredi 21 juillet 2010 à 04h39 - par  weddin

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samedi 17 juillet 2010 à 03h47 - par  uugood

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Logo de wedding
lundi 12 juillet 2010 à 07h16 - par  wedding

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Logo de shoeslouboutin
vendredi 9 juillet 2010 à 11h17 - par  shoeslouboutin

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jeudi 8 juillet 2010 à 04h40 - par  fn

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Logo de 12345
mercredi 7 juillet 2010 à 08h48 - par  12345

Wholesale Bridal Dress is possible to select a diamond and now Bridal Dress have this especially designed to match your personal Bridal Dresses and preference. Your big engagement Inexpensive Bridal Gowns will not disappoint when it is selected with your summer bridal dress in mind.Aivory bridal dressis a very common wholesale bridal dress that is worn at cheap bridal dress mainly due to the benefits it gives to the plus size bridal dress. Brides of all sizes can have the luxury of having a modern bridal dress which will meet V-neck bridal dress every need, with a huge advantage on simple bridal dress, making it very affordable. strapless bridal dresslooks very elegant giving the formal bridal dress a very stunning look. Usually this sort of dress does not need alterations, which is another appealing feature.What can this evening dresses do for my figure ? No matter what your body shape, theevening gownswill help you to look the way you desire. The Evening gown will pull you in at the waistline, giving the Evening Dresses 2010 of you tummy being smaller. Women, who are a plus size, opt for Cheap Evening Dresses style of wedding dress as Long Evening Dresses creates the illusion of an hour Short Evening Dresses figure, something all brides aspire to. Small women will find that theSimple Evening Dresseswill enhance their overall look as it will make the small women look even more perfect on her wedding day.AFormal Evening Dressescan easily be adjusted to fit your needs, an adjustable lace makes it easy to loosen and tighten the Black Evening Dresses, the lace can be found at the back of the Vintage Evening Dressess. This is opposed to other wedding dresses which use zippers or a faux lace panel. The great thing about a this dress is, you can loosen it or tighten it with the lace at any time, giving you the desired comfort that you will need on your wedding day. Maybe you like the idea of a corset but you feel that it isn’t traditional enough. Well, for a small fee you can find a Plus Size Evening Dresseswho will attach “Spaghetti straps” or “Off-the-shoulder straps”. This Designer Evening Dresses can enhance your look, make you more comfortable and look more traditional.

Site web : wedding
Logo de wedding
mercredi 7 juillet 2010 à 07h06 - par  wedding

I got an maternity wedding dresses engagement ring for Christmas. My boyfriend and I had been dating for almost a year and both felt the time was right to join our lives together maternity wedding dresses in holy wholesale prom dress matrimony. htmlThe month of January was spent planning our perfect Alabama June wedding. My mother, two sisters and I went to Huntsville, the closest town wholesale prom dress wholesale prom dress with a selection of bridal shops, to buy the gown that maternity wedding dresseswould play the leading role on my special wholesale prom dress occasion.We had a wonderful time just being together and sharing silly jokes, but the day soon turned serious by afternoon : still no sign of the dress of my dreams. Both sisters were ready to give up and try another maternity wedding dresses day in another town, but I coerced them into one more bcoutique.I had a good feeling as we entered the shop filled with the scent of fresh wholesale prom dress flowers. The elderly clerk showed us several beautiful gowns in my size and price range, but none were right. As I opened the door to leave, the desperate shop owner announced she had one more dress in the
maternity wedding dresses back that was expensive and not even my size, but wholesale prom dress perhaps I might want to look at it anyway. When she brought it out, I squealed in delight.

Site web : 1234
Logo de wedding
samedi 3 juillet 2010 à 08h01 - par  wedding

Becoming evening dresses wholesale engaged nowadays regrettably evening dressses is often much more about how big the cheap evening dress rather than feelings between the couple. isn’t really hard to acquire engagement bands below $300 for evening dresses 2010 who continueplus size evening dresses correctly. First of all, perhaps you have considered second-handlong evening dresses ? A lot of jewelry retailers or even pawn sexy evening dresses may have a selection of used engagements short evening dresses to buy. All the rings themselves discount evening dresses appear nothing like second-hand and formal evening dresses are polished in addition to shinned just like new. Becoming engaged nowadays regrettably designer evening dresses is often much more about how big the vintage evening dresses rather than feelings between the elegant evening dresses couple. It isn’t really hard to acquire engagement Simple Wedding Dress below $300 for those who continue Simple Wedding Gowns correctly. First of all, perhaps you have considered second-hand Plus size Simple Wedding Dresses ? A lot of jewelry retailers or even pawn 2010 Simple Wedding Dresses may have a selection of used cheap simple wedding dress bands to buy. All the plus size simple wedding dress appear nothing like second-hand and they are polished in addition to shinned just like new.In the event lace simple wedding dress used isn’t for you personally the potential of getting engagementsummer simple wedding dress below $300 holds fine. There isn’t any white simple wedding dress is actually just saying “don’t be fussy” simply because in the end your engagement mature simple wedding dress no matter the price can have sentimental value and that is precious. You really can afford to end up being fussy simply because you will discover a huge variety elegant simple wedding dress now at your spending budget. pretty simple wedding dress major aspect to think about is the time of the year you purchase the engagement ring. If you’re the old romantic and buy the engagement unique simple wedding dress right before Valentine’s Day you will most likely be spending at the highest time and whenever Victorian simple wedding dress are usually a bit more compared to other months. The month of january is excellent or even search for shutting down sales.

Logo de wedding
vendredi 2 juillet 2010 à 09h18 - par  wedding

I got an maternity wedding dresses engagement ring for Christmas. My boyfriend and I had been dating for almost a year and both felt the time was right to join our lives together maternity wedding dresses in holy wholesale prom dress matrimony. htmlThe month of January was spent planning our perfect Alabama June wedding. My mother, two sisters and I went to Huntsville, the closest town wholesale prom dress wholesale prom dress with a selection of bridal shops, to buy the gown that maternity wedding dresseswould play the leading role on my special wholesale prom dress occasion.We had a wonderful time just being together and sharing silly jokes, but the day soon turned serious by afternoon : still no sign of the dress of my dreams. Both sisters were ready to give up and try another maternity wedding dresses day in another town, but I coerced them into one more bcoutique.I had a good feeling as we entered the shop filled with the scent of fresh wholesale prom dress flowers. The elderly clerk showed us several beautiful gowns in my size and price range, but none were right. As I opened the door to leave, the desperate shop owner announced she had one more dress in the
maternity wedding dresses back that was expensive and not even my size, but wholesale prom dress perhaps I might want to look at it anyway. When she brought it out, I squealed in delight.

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Logo de lydia
jeudi 1er juillet 2010 à 03h39 - par  lydia
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Logo de shangxeov
jeudi 1er juillet 2010 à 03h34 - par  shangxeov

It’s so much easier to find the perfect wedding dresses dress today than it was 20 or 40 years ago. wedding dress are the days of puffy shoulder pads anddiscount wedding dresses, today’s bridesmaids’ dresses are sleek and streamlined, many of beach wedding dresses can be worn again. Simple wedding dress have also evolved, saying goodbye to gaudy shades in favor of a huge color spectrum ranging from elegant Modest wedding dress to sophisticated fun pinks and freshElegant wedding dress.Generally theElegant wedding dresschooses the type of dress her bridesmaids will wear.Elegant wedding dress is often a bone of contention for the bridesmaids as many times the Chinese wedding dress chooses a style or color that isn’t flattering for all of the women in the Western wedding dress party. While it’s true, you can’t please everyone, the Formal wedding dress can spare a lot of bad feelings by allowing the women in theInformal wedding dress party to have some input into the selection process. Perhaps all of the women involved can haveWedding dress style of shopping together to find a style and Short wedding dress flattering to every shape and skin tone. Try to find styles without too many Tea length wedding dress or embellishments as these types of dresses can’t be cut down or worn again for other Tea length wedding dress occasions.If you want to find a Strapless wedding dress flattering to everyone, avoid the Straps wedding dress : Puffy shoulder pads : Big Short wedding dress sleeves flatter very few women. Petite women seem lost in the Mermaid wedding dress and larger framed women look like Column wedding dress . If you’d like all your Plus Size wedding dresses to look lovely, avoid the use of heavily padded Wedding dress colors. Large “butt” bows : You have to have a small White wedding dress to rock the butt bow. Since Prom Dresses is an area most women don’t wish to call Cheap Prom Dress to, try not to choose Prom Dresses 2010 with large butt bows. Pale Colors : Pale Prom Dress and Prom Dresses 2010 might look good on the Cheap Prom Dresses, but Plus Size Prom Dresses don’t work for all skin types. Women with very light Short Prom Dresses will look washed out, especially in Short Prom Dresses.What will you do with your Vintage Prom Dresses after the wedding ? If it’s a formal Sexy Prom Dresses and you would like to keep in its pristine Simple Prom Dresses to wear to another formal Designer Prom Dresses in the future, consider bringing it to a Quinceanera Dresses preservation specialist.


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