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vendredi 3 juin 2005

Les Augustes d’Or de la campagne référendaire

Le cinéma a ses Césars, la musique ses Victoires. Il fallait bien trouver quelque chose pour les campagnes électorales. Le Cactus s’y est collé et a créé les Augustes d’Or. Nous avons donc réuni un jury prestigieux. Pour le présider, nous avons fait appel à celui dont (...)

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lundi 18 janvier 2010 à 10h32

Allow your children to plan and budget for a family event to practice their budgeting skills
Make Learning Fun

jobs for 16 year olds

jobs for 16 year olds

jobs for 15 year olds

Explain what you are doing when you write a check
be ready to step in and help guide them when they need it
Expand to a checking account once they are ready
and working for mom and dad all help kids learn about business and hard work

jobs for 16 year olds


jobs for 16 year olds

jobs for 15 year olds

jobs for 15 year olds

but where do you begin to teach kids about money
and retirement early to give them a head start

jobs for 16 year olds

jobs for 16 year olds

Lead by Example

jobs for 16 year olds

Children will often be surprised by the withholding on their first paycheck

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jobs for 16 year olds

You want your children to be great at managing their money in the future
Teach Your Teens About Credit
their money management skills will improve
Kids are very observant and will learn many of their money concepts by watching you and copying your behavior
Teach Them to Invest

jobs for 15 year olds

jobs for 16 year olds

Introduce young children to coins first
Working summer jobs

jobs for 16 year olds

becoming entrepreneurs
Teach them the value of coins and encourage them to save their coins in a piggy bank

jobs for 16 year olds

Explore appropriate stocks and mutual funds with your children
Let Them Earn Money
Open a Savings Account
use an ATM card
or pay for groceries
and homemade games are all possibilities
Encourage your children to set savings goals and work towards them
Help your children understand the concept of delayed gratification and the pros and cons of buying on credit
Play money games that encourage learning

jobs for 16 year olds

Introduce Taxes
Teach Children to Set Goals

jobs for 16 year olds

jobs for 15 year olds

jobs for 16 year olds

jobs for 15 year olds

jobs for 16 year olds


jobs for 15 year olds

Explain the concept of taxes early on and their paycheck will meet their expectations
Let your children waste their money and make mistakes with their money
From introducing the concept of money to investing
Encourage Charitable Giving
s a road map to guide you through the process
Teach Children to Budget
encourage your children to learn about the stock market
Teach your children about long term savings and debt
Introduce the Concept of Money

jobs for 15 year olds

Explain to children how compound interest works and show them how their money grows in a savings account
Many successful financial milestones are achieved by goal-setting

jobs for 16 year olds

jobs for 15 year olds

jobs for 16 year olds

When children receive an allowance they must learn very basic budgeting and rationing skills
Use an Allowance
Once they have mastered basic banking skills
Introduce philanthropy to your children early and they will likely become eager volunteers and donors

jobs for 15 year olds

jobs for 15 year olds

Discuss the costs of college
s a valuable teaching tool
Introduce Long Term Planning

jobs for 15 year olds

As they manage their allowance money
online games
Allow Them to Make Mistakes

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